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Freqeuntly Asked Questions

Q: Where are you located?
A: Most of our team lives in Cedar City and the surrounding area. We often travel to areas in Southern Utah for investigations, but are also willing to travel further. Get in touch with us if you're interested in an investigation!

Q: What equipment do you use? 
A: Our most used equipment includes EMF detectors, a REM Pod, E Pod, Geophone, flashlights, audio recorders, digital thermometer, and trigger objects. We try our best to use our tools not only to communicate with the paranormal and prove their existence, but also to disprove and debunk anything we can. For example, in many buildings there are large amounts of electro magnetic fields given off by heaters, electronics, appliances, etc. which causes the feeling of being watched, paranoia, nausea, etc. We always try to do a sweep of the area and make sure to note high EMF fields, cold spots, "normal" building noises, etc. so that we know what we're working with. 

Q: What does an investigation look like?
A: When you reach out to us about an investigation we will ask about the location, any paranormal activity, the history, etc. We will then find a time to come and investigation the location. Usually we try to do investigations on the weekend in the late evening, but are willing to work with your schedule. We usually allow business/home owners to join us for the investigation, but we like to keep the group relatively small when we can. From there, our group will come to the location, meet with you, and get a tour/rundown of the location. We will use our audio recorders, cameras, and our equipment to conduct the investigation. Our team will review all of our recordings and pictures for paranormal activity and will send it out to the SUP team to review. This way we can discuss and potentially debunk any audio or pictures. After that we will send all evidence to you! If we have your permission we love uploading evidence to our website, Facebook page, and using it in our More than Ghost Stories program each October. 


Q: How do I get rid of bad spirits or energy?
A: We definitely aren't experts, but we do have a document you can download with tips for how to clear your space. You can find that document here


Q: Are you allowing new members? How can I join?
A: Right now we aren't taking any new members, but we know that the interest is there! We are trying to do more "open" ghost hunts where the public can join us, but this completely depends on the size and types of locations we are investigating. Please follow our Facebook page if you're interested in this!


If you have other questions please don't hesitate to contact us!

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